Firearm Resources

Firearm Resources

Firearm Resources – Links, videos, and other useful information related to firearms and guns. Whether you’re a seasoned gun owner, a beginner looking to learn, or just someone curious about firearms, having access to reliable and up-to-date firearm resources is essential. We have provided a variety of firearm resources that cater to different needs, from education and training to legal guidelines and safety measures.


Firearm Resources



Firearm ownership comes with a significant responsibility to ensure safety, compliance with laws, and ongoing education. The resources mentioned below can assist both novice and experienced gun owners in navigating the world of firearms knowledge. Remember that safety should always be the top priority, and continuous learning and responsible ownership are key to enjoying firearms while minimizing risks.


Gun OwnersDownload your free copy of 5 Things Every Gun Owner Ought to Know





Attorneys On Retainer is a Self-Protection plan that is backed by the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm. Unlike most self-defense plans on the market, the Attorneys On Retainer Program is NOT backed by any insurance company. This Self-Protection Plan is administered by a law firm. This means they are not required to adhere to the same restrictions and limitations that other insurance-backed programs must follow.



The National Rifle Association is America’s longest-standing civil rights organization. Together with our more than five million members, we’re proud defenders of history’s patriots and diligent protectors of the Second Amendment.








Attorneys On Retainer

Firearms Self-Defense Plan

5 Things Every Gun Owner Ought to Know

Building Plans

Firearms Legal Defense is an affiliate for the Attorneys On Retainer program that is offered by the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm.